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Mazie's Mom

Beautiful Blessings

Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

James 2:14-17

Being a servant, as God gracefully instructed His disciples, has always been a calling in my heart. That's what He desires us all to be as we prepare the way for ourselves and others to live Kingdom ready here in our "temporary home" and then that magnificent day we join Him, Mazie and all of our loved ones in Heaven.

In my first grief therapy session, the counselor shared something that has proved to be very true with me about how other people may respond to our heartbreak from losing Mazie. Some will feel uncomfortable and not know what to say. Others will reach out because it’s the “right thing to do” with a generic thinking of you or praying for you.

Our precious friend and the kids' sitter, Jaime, had this made for us

and the flowers are from Mazie's service. This is incredible and so is she!

With that being said, we’ve surely done it before too. And trust me we would never wish anyone to know exactly what to say as that means you have experienced the same gut wrenching pain of losing a child. So what can you do when someone suffers a loss close to them?

I highly encourage you to watch the short clip that features one of my favorite authors, Brene Brown, explaining the difference between empathy and sympathy.

Seeing how God’s love, EMPATHY and compassion were extended through so many thoughtful souls since October has brought us an abundance of comfort. Family and friends, we STILL (and ALWAYS will) continue to need that outpour of love and support. This has NOT gotten easier.

This girl has no idea I took this picture but 2 days before the funeral

my good friend, Danielle, simply showed up and started cleaning.

What has helped significantly is God’s grace and those who truly show up for us over and over. We are exceedingly grateful for the ones God has intentionally blessed us with by providing meals, countless special keepsakes and gifts, cards, sincere messages (to this day), that have honored Mazie and grieve WITH us.

When I tell you that from years back our Heavenly Father has surrounded me with actual Angels on Earth, He has and especially during this journey to walk it hand in hand with me/us. Just a few special ones to mention – a friend surprised me by flying in from California to be here for us, another Angel mom (several have been so good to us) delivered a care package to me (since I had to suddenly stop breastfeeding) AND she along with other beautiful ones played an instrumental role in planning Mazie’s celebration of life, my older and newer friends plus my phenomenal Beachbody team have been so SO supportive of our family.

This would be a very lengthy blog if I shared every picture or highlighted each gift but know we truly treasure each one! It has also been overwhelming to respond to every text, call or post from social media but we are filled with so much appreciation for you all being there for us.

In being open to embracing the purpose in the pain, God has revealed so many beautiful blessings to us – renewed faith, our people, resources for healing and so much more. Truly BEAUTY from the ashes. Thank you to everyone who loves us and our Mazie girl.

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." Hebrews 6:10

A dear friend shared about Mazie and her colleague/local art teacher sketched

this for us as well as one of Mazie and Jessi (her Godmother and my best friend).

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